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Mahabalipuram Temple

Pilgrimage India »Tamil Nadu Temples » Mahabalipuram Temple
Location : 58-Km From Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Also Called: Mamallapuram, The City Of Bali
Famous: Centre For Pallava Culture And Arts
Important Festivals Celebrated: Dance Festival In The Month Of December

Mahabalipuram TempleGlobally renown for its shore temples, Mahabalipuram was the second money with the Pallava kings of Kanchipuram. 58 kilometres from Madras on the Bay of Bengal, this very small sea - side village of Mahabalipuram, is about inside a boulder - strewn landscape. Vacationers are drawn to this location by its miles of unspoiled seashore and rock-cut artwork.


The sculpture, here, is particularly interesting simply because it reveals scenes of day-to- day daily life, in contrast with the rest from the state of Tamil Nadu, where the carvings usually depict gods and goddesses

Mahabalipuram artwork can be divided into four categories : open up air bas - relief, structured temples, man-made caves and rathas ('chariots' carved from single boulders, to resemble temples or chariots utilised in temple processions).

The renowned Arjuna's Penance as well as the Krishna Mandapa, adorn massive rocks near the centre with the village. The lovely Shore Temple towers over the waves, at the rear of a protecting breakwater. Sixteen man-made caves in diverse levels of completion also are seen, scattered by means of the location.


The temples of Mamallapuram, built largely during the reigns of Narasimhavarman and his successor Rajasimhavarman, showcase the motion from rock-cut architecture to structural building. The mandapas or pavilions and the rathas or shrines formed as temple chariots are hewn from the granite rock face, whilst the famed Shore Temple, erected 50 % a century later on, is constructed from dressed what can make Mamallapuram so culturally resonant would be the influences it absorbs and disseminates.

All but one in the rathas from the very first phase of Pallava architecture are modelled on the Budhist viharas or monasteries and chaitya halls with several cells arranged about a courtyard.

Artwork historian Percy Brown, actually, traces the achievable roots with the Pallavan Mandapas towards the similar rock-cut caves of Ajanta and Ellora. Referring to Narasimhavarman's victory in Ad 642 over the Chalukyan king Pulakesin II, Brown says the Pallavan king could have brought the sculptors and artisans again to Kanchi and Mamallapuram as 'spoils of war'.

Temples in Mahabalipuram

There are, or relatively were, two low hills in Mahabalipuram, about 400m through the sea. Within the bigger one, on both sides, there are eleven excavated temples, called Mandapas, two "open air bas reliefs", 1 of which is unfinished, plus a third enclosed 1

. Out of a large rock standing totally free close by there's a "cut out" temple, known as a "Ratha". This sort is exclusive to Mahabalipuram.

Out of the other hill, significantly more compact and standing about 200m towards the south, are fashioned 5 more rathas, and three massive sculptures of the Nandi, a Loin and an Elephant. Around the leading from the bigger hill there is a structural temple, and a small distance the wonderful beginnings of the Vijayanagar Gopura and in addition survivals of what's believed to become a palace.

Shore Temple
Perched on a rocky outcrop, it presides more than the shoreline, serving, as Percy Brown puts its, 'a landmark by day and a beacon by night'.

Created to catch the first rays in the increasing sun and to illuminate the waters following darkish, the temple ended up with an unusual lay-out. As the main shrine faces the sea around the east, the gateway, the fore count and the assembly hall with the Shore Temple all lie powering the sanctum.

Uncommon, also, is the fact the temple has shrine to both Shiva and Vishnu. The primary sanctum and 1 from the two lesser ones on the west are devoted to Shiva. The enclosing wall has a sequence of Nandi bulls on it.

Interconnected cisterns about the temple meant that the sea could possibly be let in to rework the temple into a h2o shrine. But, in current times, a stone wall as been additional to safeguard the shrine from the rising seas and more erosion.


The primary hill at Mamallapuram is dotted with pillared halls carved in to the rock face. These mandapas, with their graceful columns and intricate figure sculptures bear witness to the artistry with the Pallavan rock cutter.

The 10 pavilions at Mamallapuram, of which two are unfinished, had been developed as shrine, having a sanctum and on outer hall. The shallow porticoes are adorned with exquisite sculptures of gods, goddesses and mythological figures.

The Ganesh mandapa is surely an lively shrine even these days, using the idol from the elephant-god being revered by the faithful, fourteen hundreds of years after it had been first consecrated.

Past the circular rock referred to as Krishna's Butterball is the Varaha mandapa dedicated to the two avatars of Vishnu as Varaha the boar and Vamana the dwarf. The pillars of this pavilion are perhaps the earliest to show a motif that grew to become the signature of southern architecture-the lion pilaster, where a heraldic lion help ornamental pillar.

The Mahishasuramardini mandapa has the goddess Durga in bas relief, slaying a buffalo-headed demon, and the Vishnu Sayana Mandapa shows Lord Vishnu lying under the protecting hood from the seven-headed serpent Adishesha.

From the other mandapas, the Panch Pandava mandapa, that is unfinished, has a much more elaborate facade. Its pillars are adorned with rearing lions springing from the funds, as well as the shrine will be the only one surrounded by a passage which enables circumvolutions.


The 8 rathas are monolithic temples fashioned as chariots. They stay an architectural mystery, for every is apparently a faithful reproduction of the construction constructed of wooden. Actually, even the grain in the timber beams and rafters is simulated in stone.

Of the eight rathas, 5 have already been named to the Pandava brothers, the heroes from the epic Mahabharata, and their shared spouse, Draupadi.

The largest is the Dharmaraja ratha and it sets the tone to the other people. Modelled on a Buddhist vihara or monastery, it sports a square hall topped by a vaulting roof. The Bhima, Arjuna and Nakula-Sahdeva rathas are lesser copies of the Dharmaraja ratha.

The Draupadi ratha is the smallest as well as the quaintest. It truly is straightforward construction, fashioned as a thatched hut borned around the backs of elephants and lions. It had been almost certainly the fascimile of a portable village shrine.

The fact that a lot of from the temples and sculptures of Mamallapuram are unfinished, points to the sudden withdrawal of patronage from rock-cut temples when King Rajasimhavarman arrived to energy.


How to get there

Chennai (58-km) will be the nearest airport with each domestic and worldwide terminus. Chennai is linked with all of the main locations in India via the many domestic flights. Worldwide flights function from different components in the globe to Chennai.


The nearest railway stations are Chengalpattu (29-km) and Chennai (58-km). From these stations one has to get street to reach the Mahabalipuram.

Buses are accessible from Pondicherry, Kanchipuram, Chengalpattu and Chennai to Mahabalipuram every day. The street to Mahabalipuram is good. Vacationers may also hire a taxi from Chennai.

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