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Sun Temple, Modhera

Pilgrimage India » Sun Temple, Modhera

Sun Temple, ModheraBuilt in 1026 A.D. throughout the reign of King Bhimdev I in the Solanki dynasty, the Sun temple is dedicated to the Sun God. This temple, although ravaged by Mehmud of Gazni, still retains sufficient of it is authentic framework to convey the grandeur of its conception along with the superb artistry of execution.

Every inch from the edifice, each outdoors and inside is carved magnificently with motifs of gods and goddesses, birds, beasts and flowers.


Modhera is now the site of a number of dance and cultural festivals. The sun temple along with the ambiance here present a majestic backdrop for that exhibition of performing arts.

Even in its ruined state, the sun temple at Modhera is wonderful. The very first view in the sun temple is breathtaking, using the pillared portico from the sabhamandap reflected within the huge tank.

The weathered golden brown stone in the edifice has an overpowering grandeur. There isn't any worship provided right here now.


There's no shikhara either. The temple features a sanctum, a pradakshina patha along with a sabha mandap in front. The exterior from the sanctum has several carved images from the Sun God, portrayed as putting on a belt and lengthy shoes.


The mandapa in front of the sanctum has superbly carved pillars with beautiful toranas adorning the entrances. The exterior of this temple is intricately carved. This temple is designed such the sun's rays illuminate the sanctum at dawn.

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