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Pilgrimage India »South India Destinations » Varkala

Varkala wears two hats: one is the fact that of a seaside tourist resort and spa and the other, entirely opposite, is that of a Hindu religious centre.


To start, there is the tranquil stretch of white sandy beach, the Papanasam Beach. Myth has it which the sage Narada was approached by a team of sadhus who instructed him they had sinned. In anger, Narada threw his valkkalam, the loin cloth created from your bark of trees, into the air.

The place where it landed was Varkala. Narada then informed the sinners to pray at a place close to the seashore. That came to become recognized because the Papanasam Seaside.

The extra sights will be the mineral springs and rocky cliffs. Varkala is really worth using a search for it truly is out of the ordinary. It's so peaceful that no one would hassle disturbing you once you watch the sun set in to the sea.


The Sivagiri Hill, near the seaside also takes place to be the last resting location of a terrific social reformer of Kerala, Sree Narayana Guru. Nearby are the higher cliffs along with the mineral springs. Varkala is home for the 800-year previous Janardhana temple, dedicated to Ayyappan and Hanuman. Non-Hindus are not permitted to enter the internal sanctum but can look around the temple.


Reaching Varkala
The nearest airport is Trivandrum, 50 km away. Varkala has rail connection although not all trains stop here along with the very best place to obtain off is at Quilon, the nearest key railway head. Varakala is available by street.



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