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Yamuna River

Pilgrimage India »Indian Rivers » Yamuna River

Yamuna River Originating from the Champasar Glacier at an altitude of 4421 m in the state of Uttarkhand, the revered Yamuna finds a unique point out within the Hindu mythology. Some say the source of the river could be the Saptarishi Kund, a glacial lake. There is certainly a sacred shrine of Yamunotri or Yamnotri, near this source at an altitude of 3235 m. There's a temple devoted towards the Goddess Yamuna, which continues to be closed from November to May. At Hanumanchatti, the Hanuman Ganga merges with Yamuna river. According to a legend, this secluded hilly spot was the residence of an historical sage, Asit Muni.

The background says that, Yamuna will be the consort of Lord Shri Krishna. Gokula, the divine abode of the Lord may be the residence of Yamuna. It really is that, the river very first went round Shri Krishna before descending right down to earth as for each the purchase of her Lord. River Yamuna arrived to become named as "Kalindi"as she touched the peak of Kalind. Then she descended down the hills and reached the plains at Khandav Vana which is created as Delhi town now.

Based on custom,Yamuna and Yama are thought to be the offspring of Sun God 'Surya'. Consequently it's considered that whoever requires a dip in the holy waters with the supply stream of Yamuna may possibly not have worry of loss of life.

Religious Significance
The rivers Ganga and Yamuna together with the now dried Saraswati, are probably the most sacred rivers in India. Yamuna, according to the legends, could be the daughter from the Sun God, Surya and also the sister of Yama, the God of Demise. Based on historic beliefs it's stated that those who take a dip inside the holy waters of the river do not worry death. This river can also be closely linked to Mahabharat and Lord Krishna. His father Vasudeva, crossed the Yamuna with baby Lord Krishna for a safe place. It can be stated that Lord Krishna played together with his cowherd friends on the banking institutions of river Yamuna during his childhood.

Yamuna's Training course
Yamuna is popularly named as Jamuna in Uttar Pradesh state and northern India which rises in Himalayas near Yamunotri. It really is from right here the river started her journey to Vrindavan and Mathura. Then she began flowing in the direction of south and southeastern parts and flourished the locations on her way. Reaching the Prayag, 1 of one of the most sacred places in India, she joins with Ganges. Then they both circulation together till Ksheer Sagar.

Prior to reaching the sea, the Yamuna and Ganges greeted one another. Ganges continued her journey to Patal Loka as from the orders of Lord Krishna. Yamuna, who originated from your left portion of Lord Krishna decided to ascend once more to reach the abode of Lord Krishna. She ascended in the type of jog like stream around the peak. Increasing skywards she attained the heaven, then the abode of Lord Krishna.

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