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Eklingi ji Temple

Pilgrimage India » Hindu Temples » Eklingi Temple

akshardham templeRecognized since the protector deity of Mewar, Eklingji Temple is located about twelve miles to the North of Udaipur in Rajasthan. This deity was regarded as the pragmatic ruler through the Maharajas of Mewar - who deemed on their own to become regents (Dewans) under Eklingji.

A stunning city, Eklingji attracts a large number of visitors all through the calendar year. This temple is mentioned to have been founded by Acharya Viswaroopa a modern of Adi Sankaracharya and is also connected using the Sharada Math at Dwaraka founded once again by Adi Sankaracharya.

Style & Framework
The temple occupies an area of about 2500 sq. feet and is about 65 feet in height. The temple area is fortified and a strong wall runs around it.

The main entrance to the temple on the Western side welcomes guests into a big hall resting on profusely carved pillars. In this hall, is a silver image of Nandi. There are two more Nandis in the temple, one made of black stone and the other of brass.

Other deities housed in the temple complex include Parvati, Ganesh, Ganga, Kartikeya, Yamuna and Saraswathi.

There are also small temples dedicated to Ambamata, Kalka Mata and Ganesh in the temple complex. There is another temple called Nathon Ka Mandir in the temple complex with inscriptions dating back to the 10th century CE. No worship is offered here.

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